"Rapping" Up
Here are a few more pictures worth sharing! :)
Liam asleep on the bed, the flash lit up the room so it looks as bright as it does due to that.
The boys enjoying Grandpa's smoothies...
As a "treat" for losing fifty pounds, my mom and Olivia and I went to my favorite restaurant, The Melting Pot...
The day before we met Brandi and Jessica at the beach I had gone to see the tour of Rent. My parents have seen it a number of times and suggested I go since I had not seen it and some of the original cast members were a part of this tour. I LOVED it!!!!
A few years back I had watched the movie but it was odd and confusing to me. I LOVED the stage production! Since we were leaving Saturday, I had decided to get "cheap seat" tickets for the Friday performance and go again. :)
After the performance I went around to the stage door and a few of the actors, including one main actor whom I had been excited to see since I knew him from a few movies and was reading his memoir, came out to sign autographs. I had the book with me, so had Anthony Rapp sign the book and took a picture of him signing others. I wasn't "brave" enough to ask for a photo with him!!! I see that the show is coming to Chicago for ONE performance in the fall, so I'm planning on buying tickets to go!!! :)
All in all we really had a wonderful vacation! It's good to be home and do things here for a while too. Olivia and Braeden have started soccer, we're firming plans for day care and school this fall, I had a new door put on the front which I had ordered prior to vacation, I was able to see Harry Potter thanks to a friend watching the kids for me, and tomorrow I'm so blessed to be able to participate in a first-ever Project Hopeful International Adoption / HIV adoption workshop with some online friends and some of Olivia's doctors. I'm so excited and hopefully will have lots to share and blog about after! I've also talked with a friend of mine who is a caseworker to put a bug in her ear about something I've been thinking a lot about lately.
I've really tried thinking of ways for our family to help give back, especially in our community. I've tried other things that people I know have done, only to be blocked in many ways. I finally realized I needed to think about us and our gifts and what we have to share. What I think God is leading me to do is provide support to a single, possibly teen, parent who has little to no support in the area. I certainly know what it's like to be a single parent, and to have no family around. I have been blessed with my friends, church, and career, and my kids LOVE to love on other kids! So, I talked to her today about thinking of someone who could use a place to leave her kids from time to time for a break, or to take a class, etc. Someone whom we could have over for dinner every now and then. Someone who could become extended family. Someone whom WE could be support FOR. I think she was surprised and pleased to hear why I was calling and said she would check around to see if they are currently working with anyone like that or maybe someone there would know of someone. I think God has opened my eyes to exactly the kind of thing our family would be perfect for! :)
I look forward to what the rest of the summer brings!
Last Day at the Beach
We had brought some sandwiches and snackies with us for lunch, but when Olivia's, and then Josh's sandwiches were literally snatched from our hands by hunger crazed sea gulls! we had to be quite protective of our food. :)
I think Josh ate as much sand as he did apple!
Jessica had the great idea to eat under the umbrella, it did seem to help!
Liam had to come show me what Braeden did to his hair! LOL :)
My crew thought Miss Brandi was the best, and had to walk with her on our way to wash off the sand before heading out. :)
It was a WONDERFUL day! I'm so blessed to have somewhat gotten to know these two inspiring women!
Water Fun
More FL Fun
Quinn vetoes part of state budget

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5 years ago
Orphan Crisis
• 50 million orphans in Africa
• Every 14 seconds a child is orphaned by AIDS
• 16,000,000 have been orphaned by AIDS
• Every week, AIDS claims as many lives as American fatalities in the Vietnam War
• 854 million people do not have enough to eat
• Malnutrition is associated with the deaths of 5 million children under the age of five
• Every 2 seconds an orphan dies from malnutrition
Hence the title of my blog
Little did I know that the road would be so rocky
Little did I know that the trip would take so long
Little did I know that my heart could hurt so much
Little did I know that God is never wrong
Little did I know that love could be so powerful
Little did I know that a dream so far could go
Little did I know that God would place the right ones
Little did I know that my heart, so large, could grow
Little did I know that a dream has it’s own timing
Little did I know that this day would finally come
Little did I know that four souls would be sent to guide me
Little did I know that they would choose to call me mom
But God knew all along and He had a plan to follow
God knew all along that my dream would soon come true
God knew all along that we five should be together
God knew all along that I’d share it all with you