Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Last Week Continued
7:47 PM
A few things I forgot to add, and things which happened since. Last Tuesday after school was the adoption shower which the school added on for me along with a baby shower already planned. It was overwhelmingly generous and nicely done. I couldn't believe all the gifts. They collected money and gave us a red play wagon with a great hard back book with a Barnes gift card for $20, a popcorn bucket and bowls with popcorn and a Blockbuster gift card for $20, and a slip n slide and Target gift card for $20. Then many teachers, some whom I've had run ins with this year, gave us individual gifts. We got two hard back books, stuffed animal and Color Wonder set for Olivia from one, a hard back book and Monicals pizza gift card for $20 from another, another Target gift card for $20 from another, an Elmo outfit from another, a shorts and shirt outfit from another, a candle and Very Quiet Cricket game from another. Unreal! So surprising and great! I didn't just give it all to Braeden, Olivia wouldn't understand. Instead the wagon and books have become family items. He did get the stuffed dog, and the color wonder set has a Little Mermaid book and a Cars book, so I will give it to the both of them next week when we head to TN. The gift cards are more family items as well as the popcorn, etc. It's been great.
Saturday night, who knows what happened, but my kitchen sink/garbage disposal basically backed up into my bathroom sink. My tub is also not draining correctly and has a couple inches standing water. I called one place as soon as we got home from church, they took my info and said they'd call. I know it usually takes a while, but when 5:30 came and no call, I called them. He had no clue who I was and said "the office is crap, I can come tomorrow." I said I'm going out of town for Memorial day, he kept up with saying a lot of junk and I finally hung up and tried Roto Rooter. Should have called them first. They didn't know if they'd be able to get there still that night but would try. No dice.
Monday we went to Chicago and met up with Braeden's godmother and her son who is Little One's age. We traveled into the city with them and went to Lincoln Park Zoo for the day. It was wonderful. They did really well, what with all the people there. We lucked out and even found a street parking space which saved us some money. With the exception of an incident in the farm area, we had a great day! :)
Tuesday I went to school with the runs, and began feeling worse and worse through the day. I had called Roto R again this morning and they said they would try to come after school. Finally at 1:30 I asked "my aide" if she could possibly cover my ninth hour and the pizza party I was giving two classes after school who earned it, if I went home early. She said no problem. I went to our principal and said "I tried really hard to make it through the day but I didn't think I could last any longer." He jokingly called me a wimp and said another teacher may be going home for a similar reason and don't worry about it. Luckily I did go home because maybe 20 min later (This is really gross, you may want to skip it!) I was PROJECTILE vomiting!!! I have NEVER done that and it was HORRIBLE!!! I was able to lay down for a little while before picking up the kids. I picked them up and practically threw some food on plates for them as I couldn't even smell it! Yuck! (They went to bed a bit early! :) ) Needless to say, didn't hear from Roto Rooter, so still no use of sinks! Luckily our toilet is working!
Today I couldn't call Roto because I knew we wouldn't be home before 5:30, so I'll try tomorrow. Luckily I felt great today. I ate breakfast, and then was a bit worried as my stomach wasn't sure about it. I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. But then I was ok. Today was the last day with kids at school. We have institute tomorrow and then one hour on Friday. Why an hour? It is so pointless. Even now I am practically twidling my thumbs. My room is packed and ready to move back to the 3rd - 5th grade building. I can't wait!
I'm pretty sure that I had food poisoning from the Turkey sandwich I had at the zoo for dinner. Little One ate a little of the turkey and at day care yesterday the said he was clingy and not himself. He probably had just a stomach ache while it hit me full force from eating the whole sandwich and not just a little bit like him. That's the only thing I can figure.
Also, just so you don't think I'm super mom or something (Julie!) I paint, etc when the kids go to bed. And my kids go to bed at 7 since we're up early for school! :) I just enjoy painting (sometimes) and when I get on a kick I tend to get a lot done in the 2-3 hours after they go to sleep!!! :) You would die if you saw my kitchen right now. What with not being able to wash dishes and having practically every dish dirty and out on the counter, a bunch of things to go into my room once it's finished, and lots to go in the basement which I haven't felt like moving, it's not a pretty sight! Plus my taken apart bed in the middle of the living room! :) Once I get someone to help me take apart and move her bunkbed to her new room I should be on the right track again!
Saturday night, who knows what happened, but my kitchen sink/garbage disposal basically backed up into my bathroom sink. My tub is also not draining correctly and has a couple inches standing water. I called one place as soon as we got home from church, they took my info and said they'd call. I know it usually takes a while, but when 5:30 came and no call, I called them. He had no clue who I was and said "the office is crap, I can come tomorrow." I said I'm going out of town for Memorial day, he kept up with saying a lot of junk and I finally hung up and tried Roto Rooter. Should have called them first. They didn't know if they'd be able to get there still that night but would try. No dice.
Monday we went to Chicago and met up with Braeden's godmother and her son who is Little One's age. We traveled into the city with them and went to Lincoln Park Zoo for the day. It was wonderful. They did really well, what with all the people there. We lucked out and even found a street parking space which saved us some money. With the exception of an incident in the farm area, we had a great day! :)
Tuesday I went to school with the runs, and began feeling worse and worse through the day. I had called Roto R again this morning and they said they would try to come after school. Finally at 1:30 I asked "my aide" if she could possibly cover my ninth hour and the pizza party I was giving two classes after school who earned it, if I went home early. She said no problem. I went to our principal and said "I tried really hard to make it through the day but I didn't think I could last any longer." He jokingly called me a wimp and said another teacher may be going home for a similar reason and don't worry about it. Luckily I did go home because maybe 20 min later (This is really gross, you may want to skip it!) I was PROJECTILE vomiting!!! I have NEVER done that and it was HORRIBLE!!! I was able to lay down for a little while before picking up the kids. I picked them up and practically threw some food on plates for them as I couldn't even smell it! Yuck! (They went to bed a bit early! :) ) Needless to say, didn't hear from Roto Rooter, so still no use of sinks! Luckily our toilet is working!
Today I couldn't call Roto because I knew we wouldn't be home before 5:30, so I'll try tomorrow. Luckily I felt great today. I ate breakfast, and then was a bit worried as my stomach wasn't sure about it. I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. But then I was ok. Today was the last day with kids at school. We have institute tomorrow and then one hour on Friday. Why an hour? It is so pointless. Even now I am practically twidling my thumbs. My room is packed and ready to move back to the 3rd - 5th grade building. I can't wait!
I'm pretty sure that I had food poisoning from the Turkey sandwich I had at the zoo for dinner. Little One ate a little of the turkey and at day care yesterday the said he was clingy and not himself. He probably had just a stomach ache while it hit me full force from eating the whole sandwich and not just a little bit like him. That's the only thing I can figure.
Also, just so you don't think I'm super mom or something (Julie!) I paint, etc when the kids go to bed. And my kids go to bed at 7 since we're up early for school! :) I just enjoy painting (sometimes) and when I get on a kick I tend to get a lot done in the 2-3 hours after they go to sleep!!! :) You would die if you saw my kitchen right now. What with not being able to wash dishes and having practically every dish dirty and out on the counter, a bunch of things to go into my room once it's finished, and lots to go in the basement which I haven't felt like moving, it's not a pretty sight! Plus my taken apart bed in the middle of the living room! :) Once I get someone to help me take apart and move her bunkbed to her new room I should be on the right track again!
Friday, May 25, 2007
7:44 PM
It has been a long long long week. Whew! I finished painting my upstairs loft/attic, moved all of my stuff downstairs to Olivia's room and the kitchen, moved all the boys stuff up, and tonight is their first night in their new room. I'm going to try to get their old/ Olivia's new/ room painted tonight and tomorrow and hopefully move her stuff into it Sunday/Monday. We'll see, but that's the plan. Then I can move myself into her room. Beyond that I have the hallway and stairway to the basement to paint and I'm DONE with painting!!! I hope to finish it all by the end of June when my parents arrive, but we'll see.
On top of that, Little One has had some interesting days. Monday he moved into the toddler room at day care. They hadn't moved him there earlier only because he doesn't quite walk yet, but that's his age group, so they decided to move him there anyway. I think it's good to be around walkers and his age, so I was fine with it. Tuesday a little boy in the room bit and scratched his nose. It happens, it's pretty normal for that age. He of course had a visit with mom the next day. I had meant to call the cw to give him a heads up but it was crazy at home and I forgot. The next morning before his visit the same boy bit him twice on the arm. He had also bit his back the day before, but I didn't know about that and hadn't seen that as I hadn't searched him or anything. Anyway, I got this big email from the cw asking if I knew about this and didn't say anything. I told him I had forgotten to call and didn't know anything about what had happened that day as I hadn't picked him up yet. He went on about how upset the mom was about how he was being cared for and that she was thinking of calling DCFS. Oh please, are you kidding. It has nothing to do with him being cared for in a bad way. It was a child biting another child, it happens. Yes, the second day he should have been watched much more carefully, but I had nothing to do with that. I'm so tired of it. He was supposed to come today for our weekly home visit and as the last two weeks, didn't show. Whatever.
Also, this was the last full week of school. We have kids Tues and Wed, institute day on Thurs, then one hour on Fri next week. I don't have kids that day as I don't have a homeroom. It's been hard though because our grades were due by the end of the day Tues. so what's the point of doing a whole lot. It's also EXTREMELY hot in my classroom!!!
My nice new kitchen has also had some updates so to speak. The nice new microwave already broke and had to be replaced! Also, my nice new dishwasher leaked all over my floor!!! Both were fixed for free though! Hopefully we're good to go now.
What a week!
On top of that, Little One has had some interesting days. Monday he moved into the toddler room at day care. They hadn't moved him there earlier only because he doesn't quite walk yet, but that's his age group, so they decided to move him there anyway. I think it's good to be around walkers and his age, so I was fine with it. Tuesday a little boy in the room bit and scratched his nose. It happens, it's pretty normal for that age. He of course had a visit with mom the next day. I had meant to call the cw to give him a heads up but it was crazy at home and I forgot. The next morning before his visit the same boy bit him twice on the arm. He had also bit his back the day before, but I didn't know about that and hadn't seen that as I hadn't searched him or anything. Anyway, I got this big email from the cw asking if I knew about this and didn't say anything. I told him I had forgotten to call and didn't know anything about what had happened that day as I hadn't picked him up yet. He went on about how upset the mom was about how he was being cared for and that she was thinking of calling DCFS. Oh please, are you kidding. It has nothing to do with him being cared for in a bad way. It was a child biting another child, it happens. Yes, the second day he should have been watched much more carefully, but I had nothing to do with that. I'm so tired of it. He was supposed to come today for our weekly home visit and as the last two weeks, didn't show. Whatever.
Also, this was the last full week of school. We have kids Tues and Wed, institute day on Thurs, then one hour on Fri next week. I don't have kids that day as I don't have a homeroom. It's been hard though because our grades were due by the end of the day Tues. so what's the point of doing a whole lot. It's also EXTREMELY hot in my classroom!!!
My nice new kitchen has also had some updates so to speak. The nice new microwave already broke and had to be replaced! Also, my nice new dishwasher leaked all over my floor!!! Both were fixed for free though! Hopefully we're good to go now.
What a week!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Home Once Again
3:55 PM
Well, Olivia and I are home today. She had a sore throat yesterday, but no other symptoms and not real bad. Last night she was crying in bed a few times and when I went to her her body was practically convulsing from swallowing, she wasn't even awake. I woke her the second time and took her to the kitchen to take her temp. Only 99, but still. I took her up to bed with me. Every (what felt like anyway) 5-10 min she would cry and convulse with swallowing. I gave her Tylenol finally around 12 and she was able to sleep. We went to the doctor at 11 today and she said that it's similar to hand, foot, and mouth disease. It's a virus and she has many little "blisters" all over her throat. No prescription to help, but she said to give her Motrin every 6 hours through the day and Benedryl? at night to help her sleep. I asked about returning to school and she said as soon as she feels up to it she can go (she'll be there tomorrow!). :)
But - I did take full advantage of the day. I finally finished painting the kitchen (I'll post before and after pics soon), worked on laundry, put away a big basket of the boys clean clothes, worked on taking down the last of the wallpaper border from my attic room, and finished a book I was reading. Olivia and I just finished a snack (she took a 3 hour nap and just got up) and we're about to head to Lowe's for paint for the attic room before picking up the boys. So, at least I was able to get a bunch done, I feel good about that! :)
But - I did take full advantage of the day. I finally finished painting the kitchen (I'll post before and after pics soon), worked on laundry, put away a big basket of the boys clean clothes, worked on taking down the last of the wallpaper border from my attic room, and finished a book I was reading. Olivia and I just finished a snack (she took a 3 hour nap and just got up) and we're about to head to Lowe's for paint for the attic room before picking up the boys. So, at least I was able to get a bunch done, I feel good about that! :)
Good and Bad
8:23 AM
Good News. Bad News. One Night.
The bad news is, Olivia won't be able to do her cheerleading competition in June like we thought. Out of the 8 girls in her 5/6 year old group, only two - her and one other - purchased the uniform and want to do the competition. For many it's a bad time because of summer, some it's a matter of money. The two of them could compete and would compete against other teams of 8 or less in their age, but the other mom was not happy. She was furious that they didn't call her and give her the option before ordering the uniform and doesn't feel it's ok for just two. She doesn't want her daughter to compete, so we're out. Olivia can't do it with just one. She's bummed, but we plan on continuing with the next session in the fall and she can still use her uniform then for that competition. This was a pretty short notice and they only advertised to two schools for this session. Next fall they will be in the YMCA's booklet, private schools, etc. I think the turnout will be much greater and she will have no problem. They are changing things too to have longer sessions, and only two during the year so that it doesn't run into summer again. Bummer for this year though!!!
The good news is, Braeden can write!!! He always was so close before, but I think the glasses have really helped. Last night while Olivia was in cheerleading and I was reading, I had to pick Braeden up 15 min early for not listening and hitting one of the nursery attendants. Lovely. We did the time out in the corner thing and then he was able to draw on a big chalkboard they have outside where she cheers. Next thing you know, there's the most perfect B I ever saw. Then a P, and an O, and a number 1. Olivia came out then so we didn't work on more, but he and I were so proud!!! After getting ready for bed, we made this video...
You go Braeden!!!!
The bad news is, Olivia won't be able to do her cheerleading competition in June like we thought. Out of the 8 girls in her 5/6 year old group, only two - her and one other - purchased the uniform and want to do the competition. For many it's a bad time because of summer, some it's a matter of money. The two of them could compete and would compete against other teams of 8 or less in their age, but the other mom was not happy. She was furious that they didn't call her and give her the option before ordering the uniform and doesn't feel it's ok for just two. She doesn't want her daughter to compete, so we're out. Olivia can't do it with just one. She's bummed, but we plan on continuing with the next session in the fall and she can still use her uniform then for that competition. This was a pretty short notice and they only advertised to two schools for this session. Next fall they will be in the YMCA's booklet, private schools, etc. I think the turnout will be much greater and she will have no problem. They are changing things too to have longer sessions, and only two during the year so that it doesn't run into summer again. Bummer for this year though!!!
The good news is, Braeden can write!!! He always was so close before, but I think the glasses have really helped. Last night while Olivia was in cheerleading and I was reading, I had to pick Braeden up 15 min early for not listening and hitting one of the nursery attendants. Lovely. We did the time out in the corner thing and then he was able to draw on a big chalkboard they have outside where she cheers. Next thing you know, there's the most perfect B I ever saw. Then a P, and an O, and a number 1. Olivia came out then so we didn't work on more, but he and I were so proud!!! After getting ready for bed, we made this video...
You go Braeden!!!!
Monday, May 14, 2007
8:37 PM
This is our ATV. They didn't get much more use of it this day ( Mother's Day ), but the other battery is working well. I lucked out last summer and found this Power Wheels at a garage sale. I got the ATV, two batteries, charger (can't find it now), and a cover, for a great price!!! They are so expensive otherwise!! The kids LOVE it! And we now have the perfect backyard for it...
Mother's Day
8:22 PM
We had such a great Mother's Day. Often these "special" days bring about some fun behaviors. Mom wants a good day, and the kids decide they need to thwart you at every turn. But we had a great day.
We got to sleep in a little, 7:00 - not too bad for mom! After Sunday morning bathing, we got dressed and went in the basement to do Olivia's hair. I asked her what she wanted to do and she cracked me up. She asked for "ballet" hair (pulled back in a sort of bun), but with one little braid down the side. Not sure where she got that idea, but said we'd try it and it turned out really cute. Church went well and we sang a couple songs I love.
We had planned a whole outside fun day since it's been so nice out - set up our little tent the day before in the backyard, charged up the Power Wheels ATV battery (after buying a new charger since I can't find ours???), we planned a picnic lunch, etc. On the way out of church the sky heading our way was pitch black, it was extremely windy, and cold compared to how it's been the past few days - of course.
So, we settled for a basement picnic while watching half of The Lion King. We had some time then and it wasn't raining yet, so we went out to play in the tent and with with ATV. The battery didn't last long. I think that battery has had it, but the other seems ok so we should be ok. We then read some books, and hit the hay. Braeden was not real happy as we had talked about napping in the tent, but we'll have to try that another day. I put the rain fly on the tent "in case."
After naps it was much nicer out. I had to run to the dollar store to pick up some table ware for our district "spring tea" and then told the kids we would stop at the farm to see the animals. Our town has a small farm, right in the middle of town. It has a barn and pens up donkeys, ponies, goats, turkeys, ducks, sometimes pigs, etc. They also have a nice playground, a children's museum (that's free on Tuesdays!), and some great bike trails which go by the river. Anyway, we went through the store and saw the animals. All went well until we were ready to leave and Braeden was having none of it. Lots of yelling, attitude, and a not happy boy. We had planned on stopping at the playground, but after counting Braeden and letting him know we would not stop there if his screaming continued, he didn't care and kept it up, so no park.
The rest of the day went well though and we had fun at home. For family time it was Braeden's turn to help make the snack. We made blueberry muffins. (Not from scratch, but a mix, close enough.) Braeden talked non-stop about cracking the egg for the muffins! It was too cute! He was in heaven! We had a great family time and they are starting to give each other "topics" for role plays - their favorite part. Too cute!
It's nice to be mom. :)
We got to sleep in a little, 7:00 - not too bad for mom! After Sunday morning bathing, we got dressed and went in the basement to do Olivia's hair. I asked her what she wanted to do and she cracked me up. She asked for "ballet" hair (pulled back in a sort of bun), but with one little braid down the side. Not sure where she got that idea, but said we'd try it and it turned out really cute. Church went well and we sang a couple songs I love.
We had planned a whole outside fun day since it's been so nice out - set up our little tent the day before in the backyard, charged up the Power Wheels ATV battery (after buying a new charger since I can't find ours???), we planned a picnic lunch, etc. On the way out of church the sky heading our way was pitch black, it was extremely windy, and cold compared to how it's been the past few days - of course.
So, we settled for a basement picnic while watching half of The Lion King. We had some time then and it wasn't raining yet, so we went out to play in the tent and with with ATV. The battery didn't last long. I think that battery has had it, but the other seems ok so we should be ok. We then read some books, and hit the hay. Braeden was not real happy as we had talked about napping in the tent, but we'll have to try that another day. I put the rain fly on the tent "in case."
After naps it was much nicer out. I had to run to the dollar store to pick up some table ware for our district "spring tea" and then told the kids we would stop at the farm to see the animals. Our town has a small farm, right in the middle of town. It has a barn and pens up donkeys, ponies, goats, turkeys, ducks, sometimes pigs, etc. They also have a nice playground, a children's museum (that's free on Tuesdays!), and some great bike trails which go by the river. Anyway, we went through the store and saw the animals. All went well until we were ready to leave and Braeden was having none of it. Lots of yelling, attitude, and a not happy boy. We had planned on stopping at the playground, but after counting Braeden and letting him know we would not stop there if his screaming continued, he didn't care and kept it up, so no park.
The rest of the day went well though and we had fun at home. For family time it was Braeden's turn to help make the snack. We made blueberry muffins. (Not from scratch, but a mix, close enough.) Braeden talked non-stop about cracking the egg for the muffins! It was too cute! He was in heaven! We had a great family time and they are starting to give each other "topics" for role plays - their favorite part. Too cute!
It's nice to be mom. :)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
8:27 PM
Some more outdoor fun from last night. Each video takes a while to load through You Tube, so I only got Olivia's done last night. This is what kept Braeden occupied almost the whole time we were outside. We have a front yard full!
He said, "It disappeared!"
He said, "It disappeared!"
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Lovin' Videos
8:46 PM
This is a video of Olivia singing our favorite lullaby. I learned this when Braeden was a baby (got it from a movie) and sang it to him often. Olivia knows it now too and it is one of her favorites. We usually do the hugging, but for the camera, she's doing it all herself. :)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Fifth Grader
8:11 PM
Still no word on the fifth grade girl. I talked with my old licensing worker from DCFS today and told her what I knew. She said that she doesn't think they wouldn't have been able to find her a home. She said that maybe there wasn't enough "evidence" and that is why she was returned home? She took my information and said that she would pass it on and find out, but that she probably would not even be able to get back to me about it due to the confidentiality. I said that I understood and appreciated her taking the time to look into it. So... the wait is on. Good news is that she was back in school today, so at least we know she is "safe."
First Words
8:06 PM
Little One finally has what I'm 99% sure are meaningful "words." He said Ba for book over and over the last couple days. He also has said a form of baby for baby. We're on our way verbally now too! (Hopefully it continues)
Unbelievable thing happened at his 15month well-check today though. The doctor asked if I had any concerns. I mentioned how Little One seems to not really have something to tell him that he is full. He will eat and eat and eat if you keep giving him food. For a while he was on a stint where he would scream bloody murder if you tried to take him away from the table, or not give him more food, after he had already had MORE than enough for a little boy. Anyway, the doctor murmured Hmmm... finished checking him over, and left the room. Left. The. Room. Did not return, did not comment on why he could be doing that, or what to watch for, or what to do. Nothing. What? Makes absolutely NO sense.
Unbelievable thing happened at his 15month well-check today though. The doctor asked if I had any concerns. I mentioned how Little One seems to not really have something to tell him that he is full. He will eat and eat and eat if you keep giving him food. For a while he was on a stint where he would scream bloody murder if you tried to take him away from the table, or not give him more food, after he had already had MORE than enough for a little boy. Anyway, the doctor murmured Hmmm... finished checking him over, and left the room. Left. The. Room. Did not return, did not comment on why he could be doing that, or what to watch for, or what to do. Nothing. What? Makes absolutely NO sense.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Adding On???
8:13 PM
We MAY, and I stress MAY, be getting a new addition to our crew. Not a little one either, a fifth grader actually. This last week I heard some very disturbing news about a girl in our district. I won't give out details as that would be her story to share if she decided to sometime, but basically DCFS took her into care last Monday. She was taken to the hospital, as all children who enter foster care are, and given a complete exam, etc. Supposedly they then tried to find her a foster home in our district, but couldn't. (No one ever called me!) But here's the kicker - they then sent her back home!!! Are you kidding me? You've deemed this home unsafe for her at this point, took her out of it, gave her the complete work up, and now you're sending her home after basically telling this family that she "told" on them since the referral came from school??? What kind of BS is that???
I found this info out on Friday evening. Her teacher is a good friend of mine and I spoke with her some over the weekend to get an idea of how she might be with three little ones in the house. I heard good things. She seems very sensitive of others. I spoke also with our social worker, who is a friend, and she asked that instead of me calling DCFS myself to let her contact the investigator as she had been trying to get a hold of him for a few days anyway. I said fine. He never called her back all day today, even after she left messages about having a potential foster family in the district. So tomorrow we decided I will go ahead and call myself.
The scariest thing right now is that she wasn't in school today. The family left a message that they were out of town and didn't know when they would be back. That doesn't sound good. My prayers go out for this little girl. Prayerfully she will be in school tomorrow and I will be able to get a hold of someone to figure this thing out. Why are kids always the victims in this lovely system???
I found this info out on Friday evening. Her teacher is a good friend of mine and I spoke with her some over the weekend to get an idea of how she might be with three little ones in the house. I heard good things. She seems very sensitive of others. I spoke also with our social worker, who is a friend, and she asked that instead of me calling DCFS myself to let her contact the investigator as she had been trying to get a hold of him for a few days anyway. I said fine. He never called her back all day today, even after she left messages about having a potential foster family in the district. So tomorrow we decided I will go ahead and call myself.
The scariest thing right now is that she wasn't in school today. The family left a message that they were out of town and didn't know when they would be back. That doesn't sound good. My prayers go out for this little girl. Prayerfully she will be in school tomorrow and I will be able to get a hold of someone to figure this thing out. Why are kids always the victims in this lovely system???
Dedication Day II
8:06 PM
Here's the video from our dedication service. Hopefully it will work. Not the best angle, not very clear, but it's a start. If this works, I may be doing more video for this blog!!!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Dedication Day
12:03 PM
We had a great morning with Braeden's dedication today. He did very well. Quite antsy before, but once we were on stage, he was great. At the beginning of the service I showed him in the program how they would sing some songs and then we would go on stage. He asked if he could say Yee Haw while he was on stage??? Um... No.
Once we were done with the songs and sat down Braeden said "Now it's our turn!" I said you're right and we went up with two other couples to have our dedications. The stage was filled, I mean filled, with friends, family, and supporters. It was Braeden, Olivia and I and a stage full of people there for the other two couples. Oh well. My friend sat in the front row and took a few pics. She also used my camera to record the actual prayer of dedication. Oh, Never knew my camera could do that. After two years, go figure. So while it's not the best clarity, I have it. And will share it as soon as You Tube sends me my confirmation email!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Keeping Them On
7:50 PM
Braeden did a GREAT job keeping his glasses on today! He was a pro! I dropped him off at day care with them on. Not sure how much he wore them there, they were off when I picked him up. On the way out I asked him if he wanted to wear them and he said yes. We put them on and he didn't take them off until bedtime! Even when he was at the YMCA nursery during Olivia's swim lesson! Yay Braeden!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
More Pictures
8:17 PM
Here are a couple of the other two.
Olivia's picture was actually taken by Braeden after I took a million trying to get a good one of him in his glasses.
Little One's is of him trying to drink out of a big boy cup! (with about a cm of water in the bottom!) He was cracking up and just stared at it for the longest time!
Oh I Can See Clearly Now...
7:55 PM
We have glasses! Now, the tricky part... getting him to keep them on! Tonight it was a bribe that if he would wear them while Olivia was at gymnastics, we would order pizza for dinner. The person at the eye doctor said that it would probably take him a while to get used to them. His lenses are pretty thick! He did ok wearing them tonight, hopefully we'll build up more wear tomorrow and within a few days he'll be wearing them like a pro!
(Olivia took the top picture - and before you say "Oh what a good job!" Know that he was sitting with me and it was supposed to be a picture of the two of us! :) )
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
8:15 PM
The following email I sent to my caseworker, agency supervisor, and licensing worker (although mine had her last day tomorrow so I asked it be forwarded to whoever is taking her place):
Hello to my favorite foster care staff! I just wanted to remind you/let you know that my last day of school is June 1. I then have all summer off. What a great time for a placement, especially a newborn as I'll be home all summer and wouldn't have to take time off until they could enter day care. We're ready to add more, especially boys as I know you always seem to have an abundance. Keep us in mind! We'll take them with us on vacation and love on them like crazy!
Yes, we are, I am, crazy. And my friend from "home" better not say a thing! :)
On another note - a HUGE thumbs up to Motrin! Gotta love that Little One can stay up, and keep me up, most of the night crying - for reasons I have yet to determine - only to finally fall asleep at 6 and then be woken up with a 101 fever, to be given Motrin and sent to day care smiling. I prayed they would not call me. He made it through the day! Yay Little One! Yay Motrin! Sad that single working moms have to resort to such means!
Hello to my favorite foster care staff! I just wanted to remind you/let you know that my last day of school is June 1. I then have all summer off. What a great time for a placement, especially a newborn as I'll be home all summer and wouldn't have to take time off until they could enter day care. We're ready to add more, especially boys as I know you always seem to have an abundance. Keep us in mind! We'll take them with us on vacation and love on them like crazy!
Yes, we are, I am, crazy. And my friend from "home" better not say a thing! :)
On another note - a HUGE thumbs up to Motrin! Gotta love that Little One can stay up, and keep me up, most of the night crying - for reasons I have yet to determine - only to finally fall asleep at 6 and then be woken up with a 101 fever, to be given Motrin and sent to day care smiling. I prayed they would not call me. He made it through the day! Yay Little One! Yay Motrin! Sad that single working moms have to resort to such means!
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About Me
I am a single mom to four amazing kids; each of whom just happen to have been adopted. The first three were adopted through foster care, and we just completed an international adoption from Haiti. Our family has grown through adoption and I am all the more blessed to know each of my children. I worship a mighty God, teach Special Ed, love bargains, and am inspired by Pinterest... come along with us for the ride!
Olivia - 14

Braeden - 11

Liam - 9
Macy - 5

Blog Archive
What you should know about HIV
-HIV can NOT be spread through casual/household contact. HIV is not spread through hugging, kissing, shaking hands, sharing toys, sneezing, coughing, sharing food, sharing drinks, bathing, swimming or any other casual way. It has been proven that HIV and AIDS can only be spread through sexual contact, birth, breastfeeding and blood to blood contact (such as sharing needles).
- HIV is now considered a chronic but manageable disease. With treatment, people who are HIV+ can live indefinitely without developing AIDS and can live long and full lives.
- People who are HIV+ deserve to be treated with love, respect, support and acceptance as all people do.
Additional information on transmission of HIV can be found on the Center for Disease Control website:
Other Awesome Blogs
5 years ago
Orphan Crisis
• 147 million orphans in the world
• 50 million orphans in Africa
• Every 14 seconds a child is orphaned by AIDS
• 16,000,000 have been orphaned by AIDS
• Every week, AIDS claims as many lives as American fatalities in the Vietnam War
• 854 million people do not have enough to eat
• Malnutrition is associated with the deaths of 5 million children under the age of five
• Every 2 seconds an orphan dies from malnutrition
• 50 million orphans in Africa
• Every 14 seconds a child is orphaned by AIDS
• 16,000,000 have been orphaned by AIDS
• Every week, AIDS claims as many lives as American fatalities in the Vietnam War
• 854 million people do not have enough to eat
• Malnutrition is associated with the deaths of 5 million children under the age of five
• Every 2 seconds an orphan dies from malnutrition
Hence the title of my blog
Little Did I Know
Little did I know that the road would be so rocky
Little did I know that the trip would take so long
Little did I know that my heart could hurt so much
Little did I know that God is never wrong
Little did I know that love could be so powerful
Little did I know that a dream so far could go
Little did I know that God would place the right ones
Little did I know that my heart, so large, could grow
Little did I know that a dream has it’s own timing
Little did I know that this day would finally come
Little did I know that four souls would be sent to guide me
Little did I know that they would choose to call me mom
But God knew all along and He had a plan to follow
God knew all along that my dream would soon come true
God knew all along that we five should be together
God knew all along that I’d share it all with you
Little did I know that the road would be so rocky
Little did I know that the trip would take so long
Little did I know that my heart could hurt so much
Little did I know that God is never wrong
Little did I know that love could be so powerful
Little did I know that a dream so far could go
Little did I know that God would place the right ones
Little did I know that my heart, so large, could grow
Little did I know that a dream has it’s own timing
Little did I know that this day would finally come
Little did I know that four souls would be sent to guide me
Little did I know that they would choose to call me mom
But God knew all along and He had a plan to follow
God knew all along that my dream would soon come true
God knew all along that we five should be together
God knew all along that I’d share it all with you